Cell bank filter
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Product Name : Cell bank filter
Product Origin : China
Product Category : Material handling conveyors & systems
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Contact Details : Guangzhou Sun Holy Wind Air Cleaning Products Co.,Ltd
Product Code : HV Filter
Product Details
V-Cell is a next generation product made especially for the purpose of providing clean, uniform air intake. It follows on from the success of the Delta C-Cell. The V-Cell is a cartridge type rigid bagfilter containing 14 square metres of media in the form of eight individual slabs of 22mm deep pleated filter fabric. The pleated filter media provides maximum filtration capacity from a compact filter unit. The addition of extruded polypropylene separators to the pleated media gives a unique V configuration which ensures low initial resistance and a longer lifespan. The graded fibre density ensures coarse fibres upstream and fine fibres downstream, giving optimum particle capture characteristics. Delta V-Cell gas turbine filters provide great cost-effectiveness both in performance and in disposal. This is facilitated by the filter being completed using a 100% white polypropylene frame. This is a great improvement over the old type metal frames which were subject to corrosion, and consequently presented the problem of rust particulates downstream. The polypropylene frame not only overcomes that problem but also is able to be completely incinerated, and so is more environmentally friendly. As a result of this design, savings on manpower and disposal costs of these products can be significant.The final pleated V-Cell is extremely durable with high compressive strength in the airflow direction. It has been tested to a burst strength of 6250 Pa. This durability also ensures that there is no damage to the pleats during transportation or assembly.
Product Attachment
File Name : HV-type filter.JPG
File Size : 174.51KB     File Type : image/pjpeg
Cell bank filter