深圳碧婷有限公司是集开发、生产、与销售为一体的专业塑料制品厂,拥有先进的塑料注塑设备、修毛成型机、冲床、丝印、移印、烫金机等配套设备。有近200人有多年实际操作经验的技术人员和员工,具有独立开发生产、自行设计的能力,主要品种有刷子(化妆刷-粉刷,胭脂刷, 指甲刷,眼影刷,唇刷 (伸缩唇刷),睫毛卷,眉梳, 指甲油刷,工业用刷/医疗用刷)、 镜子( 化妆镜, 礼品镜, 塑胶镜,铝镜, 动物镜, 水果镜等) 、指甲挫( 海绵指甲挫, 木条指甲挫, 分趾器)、粉扑( NBR, SBR, 纯棉粉扑, 等) , 香水樽 以及其他近千种日用塑料制品。本厂以卓越的品质、低廉的价格,良好的信誉畅销全国各地,远销欧美、亚洲、非洲等国家和地区。 本厂恪守“互惠互利、信誉至上、质量至上”的宗旨,我们真诚的欢迎海内外新老客户与本公司携手共进、共创辉煌未来。 Shenzhen Beautying Co., Ltd is a Manufacturer locates in Shenzhen,China. She is specializing in manufacturing of high quality Cosmetic Brush ( Powder brush, lip brush, nail brush, gift brush set, shadow brush artist brush etc.) ; Powder Puff( cotton puff , NBR puff , SBR puff, NR puff ect), Cosmetic Mirrors( Compact mirror, Gift mirror, Plastic mirror, aluminium mirror, make-up mirror) Nail File ( EVA nail file, wooden nail file, glass nail file etc.). We have been acting as a manufacturer for some international brands (Lacome, Avon,..) for years and have rich experience in developing OEM / new designs with our clients. Together with our well trained-up staff, we offer our customers the most competitive prices, excellent service, high quality and timely delivery. We''''ll be glad to respond your enquires, we assure you the absolute quality, and your fully satisfactory is our mission. You are cordially invited to visit our website http://www.szbeautying.com for more products. We hope, you would be interested in and we can render our services to you for any quantity order. You''''re welcome to let us know your design and we''''ll made them for you. Please feel free to contact us if you need any further detail. Surely, We will do our best to work closely with you. tel;86-755-27971026 fax;86-755-27997076 http://www.szbeautying.com